Kasten Klettern

THE GAME is called Kasten Klettern. The object is to build a ladder out of empty plastic coke crates, stacked on by one...while standing on the ladder.  This Sunday was Erlebnistag Deutsch Weinstrasse, the day  our street closes for 330,000 bike riders who ride up and down the Weinstrasse  stopping for food, music and wine, and occasionally stop for entertainment. Its also the day when the local boy scouts set up a Kasten Klettern rig across the street.    For a while the spectators stopped to watch little Kiersten, among the youngest of the days competitors,  scamper up a very respectable 12 crates.  She will hold the title of the best Kletterer of the Senneff Sieben for at least the next year.


  1. Wow. That's impressive. Go Kiersten!

  2. Whoo hoo! Way to go Kiersten! What an exciting climb! Love you...G & G Farver
